
The Bear Market Brief is a project of the Foreign Policy Research Institute’s (FPRI) Eurasia Program that brings you news about Russia’s economy, politics, business, and political risk environment. 

We’re a team dedicated to making Russia and Eurasia more accessible.

Bear Market Brief features a weekly newsletter and a monthly podcast that strives to be a resource for specialists, generalists, and anyone with an interest in the post-Soviet space. We provide a platform for analysis, particularly for emerging area experts and academics, and a space for even-handed, fact-based conversations in hopes of improving Russia/Eurasia analysis and coverage. 

We’re here to keep you ahead of the curve and spot what most in the English-language media aren’t talking about.

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Learn more about the Foreign Policy Research Institute on www.fpri.org

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Bear Market Brief brings you news about Russia’s economy, politics, business climate, and political risk environment.


The Eurasia Program at the Foreign Policy Research Institute was founded in 2015 with the aim of examining the political, security, economic, and social trends shaping Europe and Eurasia.
Political and security analyst, FPRI fellow in the Eurasia Program, author of the analytical blog "No Yardstick", contributor to FPRI's Bear Market Brief
Communications Director, Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI)
Director, FPRI's Eurasia Program.
Assistant Director of Communications, FPRI
Colonel (Retired) Robert E. Hamilton, PhD, is the Head of Research at the Foreign Policy Research Institute’s Eurasia Program.